Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Ho Ho Ho!! Merry Merry Christmas~~

Had a marvellous Christmas this year. Presents exchange and all that. Used to have bbq each year for Christmas for the past 7 or 8 years, but we had food catering this year. Probably for a change or could be the mess tat we had to clean up after every bbq which is so much of a hassle. To make matter worse, no one is helping out. So, save it. Vanda came for the celebration after being missing for 2 years. Tat's good. Was feeling a lil' guilty for not attending church the following morning. Know y? Cos we played a dice game til 630 am and my head is spinning desipte the fact that i was alreadi trying to sleep. so, slept at 7am. Sorry Wei, i juz can't miss out the fun that we can have for only once a year. My cousin, chee min, brought his girlfriend. Trust me, she's total sux. ok please, i know I'm mean.

Yeah, Taiwan trip is drawing nearer and nearer. Thou I was kinda excited for the trip, I was on the other hand, scared. Me, by nature, is afraid to die! I hate to take an airplane. Juz couldn't help disliking the feeling of being totally helpless in a defenceless & gripless surrounding. Imagine u're in a plane without a boundary, or down into the ocean where u see no end. It juz sux to the core. Well, some ppl do likes it. It's like the opp, they hate being enclosed into a small area and feeling themselves being suffocated. Weird huh.

But, I'm more excited for our very own chalet on 11 & 12 of Jan. Thou it's juz a two day stay, stil it's better than none. Osm, u promised to do my hair ar.. Dun u forget. haa. Is there is bbq? I wish there was one. Could be more fun than eating out. N those who are going, please do not back out at the last min. Or I should put it, there is NO backing out at all. haha! 50 bucks fine.

Ok for the birthday girls' party, seems to be so far away. cos it's so unplanned. probably cos I'm not too involved. but I'll still try to be. Doing up the invitation cards now. Hope it turns out well.

Drop the topic, bout my Joe. He's realli sweet to me, except that he's starting to get sticky with me. I dun mean that being sticky with me is wrong. juz that when i'm not by his side, he starts to be emotional easily. Maybe juz for this period of time cos it's a like a changing of lifestyle after getting out of the darn camp. He needs me more than before but i juz couldn't make enough time for him cos of the Christmas celebration. Sorry dear. I used to get on his nerve for getting mad at him for not meeting me as often as he could. Now it's my turn. haha! not much of a problem though. Juz have to coax him a lil' more. hee, that's easy. He've got me a Christmas prezzy. me, none. haha. Probably I'll juz get him a topshop jeans which he has been eyeing for a long time. eh, He've got me an Adidas top and shorts. Thanks dar~ I promise to meet u as soon as i can. Muackies.

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